Reset Prism Admin Password

The following method could be used to reset the Prism “admin” user password.

Connect to the CVM_IP_Address with SSH client using account “nutanix” and password “nutanix/4u”

Run the following command “”, that will reset the “admin” user password to factory settings and store it back in the Zeus User Repository.

Back to the Prism Interface and log on using the account: admin and Password: admin

Now, you will need to overwrite/create a new password for the admin account.

You can notice an event under the Alerts page with the latest password change.


  1. i tried but it threw and error, and found the article on portal which says to use the below command and it works.

    ncli user reset-password user-name="admin" password="Nutanix/4u"

  2. Once "" script is executed on CVM, login to prism interface via username: admin and password: Nutanix/4u.

  3. No longer works as of 2020. Resetting the password works, but admin is no longer the default password
